
>> Hey there Lovely Person here to read about me! <<
I'm Alisha, the Founder and Chief Formulator at Naughty Naturopath Mum.
I'm on a mission to create awareness of the impact your emotions and stress levels have on your physical body.
Your emotional health controls your physical health and while it's super important to look after what goes into, and onto, your body…think how much sleep you get, how much movement you do, how you nourish your skin and so on…it's really like pouring water into a holey bucket if you're not addressing and supporting your emotional health.
So if you're on the look out for some tools, techniques, and products to help bring some emotional and spiritual balance into your life then guess what – you're in the right place and I'm so happy you're here!
Many years ago, you probably know what it's like – in that life before kids – let's just call it BC (Before Children) shall we, I trained to be a Naturopath.
I loved my clinic time and helping patients in all the wonderful ways that Naturopaths do, but I noticed I was always drawn to the potency of flower essences.
I saw, and experienced, time and time again the amazing support they were offering my clients for a plethora (who doesn't love it when you get to use that word) of situations.
From stressed out to freaked out, you know pretty much just O.U.T of balance in some way, shape or form these flower essence blends were helping lovely people just like you!
So I started creating ready made blends to help with the most common of issues I was seeing for adults and for kids. (I also still make custom blends for individual circumstances too.)
And guess what?! They sell like gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free hot cakes, ok ok well actually they sell more like 'regular' hot cakes, but it's ok to have wishful thinking right? One day more people will be on #teamglutenfree!
That though does brings me to why the 'naughty' in Naughty Naturopath Mum? I know, I know you've been hanging out this far to find that out.
Well it's because I believe in lots of healthy things like eating foods that are unprocessed and as close to their natural state as possible and I still slip up, for lack of better words…
I'm still 'naughty', my life isn't perfect, is anyone's? (Hint: two letter word starts with N, ends with O.)
Being 'naughty' occasionally is part of the balancing act. No need to beat yourself up striving for the unattainable perfection! So what if your kid eats some baked beans from a can once in a while. Or you need a piece of gluten laden toast with raspberry jam to cheer yourself up!
I'll be here cheering you on, in good times and bad, for better or worse, til the bush flower essences kick in…and beyond.
You can find me blogging right here on this site about stuff like Emotional Support During Peri-Menopause and Teaching Our Kids Emotional Resilience, and creating the most delicious recipes for you to try, like my super popular No-Bake Healthy Chocolate Fudge or Savoury Paleo Slice! Interested in gut health? Then you'll definitely want to check out this section of my site.
Of course you can find me on Facebook and Instagram too, where I regularly share snippets of wisdom, inspirations, home truths and pics of my gorgeous 'mini-me's! For a fortnightly drop of love (and sometimes special offers just for you) from me in your inbox you can join my newsletter here, right away you'll get a free daily checklist to support your physical and mental health too!
So that's me in a nutshell! I'm also a wife, a mum, a Naturopath, a flower essences lover, a business owner, a hugger, a crier, a blogger, a foodie, a recipe creator, an inspirer, and on a mission to make your experience of this precious journey a little more naughty-and-guilt-free, a little more balanced, a little more healthy, and a little lighter!
Will you join me?
Alisha x
>> Still there Lovely Person, now you're here to hear about me <<