New To Flower Essences?

Firstly, I want to welcome you to the world of flower essences!
Secondly, I want to address the most commonly made mistake if new to flower essences which is: they are NOT essential oils. I love essential oils too but flower essences are very different to oils. Flower Essences are vibrational remedies, taken via drops in the mouth and are all about moving stuck energy and stuck emotions to make way for a more balanced mind and body. They are water based and contain NO essential oils or fragrance. There is no physical component of the flower left in the flower essence remedies (so are very non-reactive) and along with the carrier of pure distilled water, they simply contain the energetic imprint of the flower which can have an amazing and profound effect on our energy body.
We also have flower essence mists which are different again in that they DO contain essential oils along with the flower essence blends but these are to be misted around yourself and your space and not for internal use. They are another beautiful way to harness the magic of flower remedies by creating energetic and emotional shifts in your energy body and the space you are in (as well as making things smell amazing!)

Emotions (e-motion is energy in motion!) get stuck if we simply don't have the time, the experience or knowledge to process them properly as they occur. Shifting this stuck energy is an amazing transformation for the mental and physical body. Moving these emotions through can completely change how we are reacting to something in our present. It can change how our body is feeling and physically reacting and it can make us feel lighter! Moving old energy through is like a spring clean of our body and soul.

To put it simply, energy can stagnate in our cells and using the flower essences to move things through and perform this spring clean can have such an amazing affect on your thoughts and physical body. They can also be used to keep the energy moving when we experience emotions that are pretty 'full on' at the time and help us safely process and release them rather than adding more stuck energy to our systems.
The blends are taken orally via 7 drops at a time (dosage is the same for all ages) and act fastest by going straight into the mouth or under the tongue (where they are absorbed into the bloodstream via our sub lingual glands) or they can also be put in a glass of water or drink bottle which can be very handy for kids if they decide they don't want drops going in their mouth (The mists can also be used in this case as well!) And it's a good idea to pop the drops in a water bottle for extra emotional support during the day.
Best to leave eating or brushing teeth about 5 mins either side of taking them so as not to interfere with their absorption.
Kids, adults and animals all benefit from the transformational effect of taking and using flower essences and they are so safe and non invasive which makes them so incredibly versatile. I love hearing about how individuals and families are completely changed by this wonderful and natural therapy and look forward to hearing how you go! View our flower essence blend range HERE and our flower essence mist range HERE
If you can't decide which blends are right for you, the Beginners Blend Pack is a great way to start.

Beginners Blend Pack
If you are new to using flower essences and you don't know where to start....why not try the two most tried and tested flower essence blends that are a massive help in every household? Buy them together in the Beginners Blend pack and get to know what taking flower essence is like and what they can do for you and your family. Pack Contains; 1 x Help Blend 1 x Slow Down Blend Help Blend
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